LTE: Vote for Progressive Leader for Boggs Twp. in November

Dear Editor:

A progressive milestone has been reached in Boggs Township. However, it’s an election year and turn out is likely to be at a minimum.

Additionally, the prevailing thought is that there is only one candidate for Boggs Township Supervisor.

Boggs Townships residents have an option though to write-in interim Supervisor Denise Dobo.

As informed voters, choose a leader who possesses the quality, ability, commitment and character to be supervisor.

Boggs Township needs a leader, not a follower. It needs someone with the ability and goal for the township to move forward in a progressive manner, which the interim has done in the short-term.

Sadly, I think some people purchase a newspaper after the supervisors’ monthly meeting just to see who is beating on whom.

Shouldn’t an informed voting resident of Boggs Township be interested in looking at the recent forward motion and give credit where it is due and vote accordingly? 

John Deacon

West Decatur


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