Amazon is hosting a secret press event

Amazon is expected to unveil new hardware on Wednesday at a secret press event in Seattle.

The company did not give any hints about what products it would be discussing, but a recent Financial Times report suggested Amazon is working on eyeglasses that include the Alexa voice assistant.

Other rumors include a security camera and updated Echo devices.

Perhaps Amazon is just eager to show off its new campus after Apple attracted attention its new Cupertino headquarters.

Wednesday’s event is starting at Amazon’s “Day One” building, a 37-floor tower that opened late last year. The building is part of Amazon’s campus in downtown Seattle, a $4 billion multi-building project that is still ongoing.

The centerpiece of the headquarters is a building made of three converging domes. Called the Amazon Spheres, the 90-foot high glass and steel structures will be home to a lush botanical garden and a 60-foot “living wall” made of plants.

Amazon launched its Echo smart speaker in 2014. That device started a race among major tech companies to create their own versions of the surprise hit. Google created the Google Home, Apple is releasing the Home Pod later this year, and Microsoft is working with third-parties on speakers that use Cortana.

Meanwhile, Amazon is working to get its Alexa voice interface in a variety of products. The tech world is betting that voice will be the next big computer interface, and Amazon wants to keep its head start.

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