Mexico earthquake death toll rises

Ninety people are now confirmed to have died in the magnitude 8.1 earthquake that shook Mexico Thursday.

The quake off Mexico’s southern coast was the most powerful to hit the country in a century. It was felt as far as Mexico City and Guatemala City by an estimated 50 million people.

Many were asleep when the quake struck. The USGS reported multiple aftershocks, including at least six with tremors measuring above 5.0 in magnitude.

The governor of the hard-hit state of Oaxaca said Saturday that 71 people had died in his state, Oaxaca’s Civil Protection agency said via Twitter.

Mexico’s interior ministry has also reported 15 deaths in the state of Chiapas and four in the state of Tabasco.

Chiapas and Oaxaca, home to about 9 million people, are two of the most impoverished areas in Mexico.

The quake’s epicenter was in the Pacific Ocean, some 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) southeast of Mexico’s capital and 74 miles (120 kilometers) off the coast.

A tsunami was confirmed in Mexico, with one wave coming in at 5.8 feet (1.75 meter), according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Tsunami warnings were issued as far away as New Zealand and Vanuatu.

President Enrique Peña Nieto said Mexico’s army, marines and federal police had been mobilized to respond.

The quake struck as the effects of Hurricane Katia were starting to be felt in eastern Mexico.

Eduardo Mendoza, general manager of Direct Relief Mexico, told CNN on Friday that the storm could complicate relief efforts and contribute to water-borne illnesses. Large trucks were having a difficult time reaching affected areas, he said, so individuals were bringing in supplies in their personal cars.

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