German police raid homes of suspects plotting to kill left-wing politicians

Police in northern Germany are conducting raids on the homes and business premises of two men suspected of plotting to kill leaders of the left, the country’s federal prosecutor said in a statement Monday.

Motivated by anger at Germany’s immigration and refugee policy, the men are suspected of stockpiling ammunition and drawing up a hit list of targets.

The two suspects are not in custody, the prosecutor’s office told CNN. The prosecutor would not confirm German media reports that a police officer is under investigation in connection with the plot.

The raids happened in the northern German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

“According to the results of the investigation so far, the two accused were in contact with different chat groups with other people,” the statement said.

“The focus of the discussion was the political development of the Federal Republic of Germany, especially the refugee and immigration policy, which they considered inadequate.

“As a result, the accused feared impoverishment of private and public budgets as well as an increase in attacks and other crimes that they believed would lead to a collapse of the state order.”

“The two men are under suspicion of a plan to turn such a crisis into an opportunity by identifying representatives of the political left with plans to kill them with their weapons,” the statement added.

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