Saudi police question boy for dancing to Macarena in the street

In Saudi Arabia, dancing to the Macarena in a crosswalk can apparently land you in police custody.

Authorities in the kingdom questioned a teenage boy after he was seen dancing to the 1990s song in a video that went viral last week.

The clip showed the 14-year-old walking in front of cars waiting at a traffic light in the city of Jeddah. He then proceeded to dance along the pedestrian crossing while wearing headphones in the clip.

The audio of the song appears to be edited in.

The boy was released without charge after he and his guardian signed a pledge “that the teen will not engage in behavior that could endanger his life and the life of others again,” an Interior Ministry spokesman said in a statement sent to CNN on Wednesday.

“The notification was solely intended to warn the boy about potential consequences for his own safety, as well as to safeguard the overall safety of motorists and pedestrians,” the spokesman added.

According to the Saudi Okaz newspaper, preliminary information indicates that the boy “was showing off” and that the stunt was part of a dare with his peers.

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