Venezuela opposition leader taken from home

Leading Venezuela opposition figure Leopoldo Lopez has been taken from his home, according to tweets from his wife.

“They just took Leopoldo from the house. We do not know where he is or where he is being taken. Maduro is responsible if something happens to him,” Lopez’s wife Lilian Tintori tweeted early Tuesday morning.

Lopez, who was released to house arrest in July, was taken from his home shortly after midnight, his wife said on social media. Tontori also posted video that she says shows her husband being taken away.

It’s not confirmed who took him or where he was taken, but the video posted by Tontori shows Lopez being driven away in a car marked “SEBIN” which is an abbreviation for the Venezuelan Intelligence Service.

His detention, which began in early 2014 over accusations of inciting anti-government protests, had been a rallying cry for anti-regime demonstrators.

Lopez had been under house arrest since early July. The move comes after a controversial election Sunday establishing a new legislative body made up entirely of President Nicolas Maduro supporters.

Developing story – more to come

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