Trump’s pick to lead top bank agency pulls out

Yet another of President Trump’s nominees is dropping out.

James Clinger, a longtime Republican congressional staffer picked by Trump in June to lead the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, is bowing out for family reasons, a White House spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The FDIC guarantees Americans’ bank deposits and oversees community banks.

Clinger, who spent two decades as chief counsel for the House Financial Services Committee, is the eighth Trump nominee to withdraw from consideration for a top post in the administration.

He was supposed to replace FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg when his term ends in November.

The Trump administration has fallen significantly behind past presidents in filling jobs. All told the president has about 4,000 hires to make, including 1,100 that require Senate confirmation. Trump has nominated only 139 individuals for the latter category, and just 47 have been confirmed.

Among the others who have withdrawn are Trump’s first nominee for labor secretary, his first choice for the No. 2 job at the Treasury Department and two nominees for Army secretary.

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