The Queen might be making a statement about Brexit — with her hat

Some people try to get messages across with smoke signals or carrier pigeons.

But when you’re the Queen of England, some symbolic headgear may suffice.

Queen Elizabeth II showed up for her speech at Parliament on Wednesday wearing a hat with striking similarities to the EU flag.

And, of course, plenty of Twitter users took notice.

The UK voted last year to leave the EU, an unprecedented move nicknamed “Brexit.” Britain was nearly split on the decision, so it’s not entirely out of the question that the Queen might fall on the side of staying in the union.

The timing of her hat choice also plays into the theory: In her speech, the Queen laid out a policy agenda that focused heavily on Brexit.

Liz Sewell tweeted, “How FAB. Queen wears EU flag as Hat,” while Oli Mould wrote “the Queen trolls the #brexit brigade by wearing an EU hat. The Queen is WOKE.”

The hat was blue with several yellow-centered flowers on the front. The EU flag is blue with a circle of yellow stars.

Now, there’s no proof that the Queen was actually trying to send a hidden message with her hat. But that’s never really stopped the conspiracy theorists on Twitter before.

Usually the Queen’s Speech is a colorful affair with extravagant — and, well, royal — traditions. There’s usually velvet robes and crowns involved, but there wasn’t much time to prep for the pomp after the June 8 snap election.

So instead of her usual sparkly headgear, Her Majesty opted for a hat instead.

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