Firefighters save the day … by taking newlyweds to their reception

Maria Leonardi and Justin Stone's wedding day got a boost from the Avon, Connecticut, fire department.

Normally, when a couple leaves their wedding ceremony, they drive off into the sunset with cans tied to the bumper of their car. But this New York City couple got their ride in a fire truck.

Maria Leonardi and Justin Stone tied the knot in Avon, Connecticut, over the weekend. They were taking a trolley bus to their reception, full of wedding guests, when the engine caught fire. The Avon Volunteer Fire Department rushed to the scene.

When the firefighters realized the party was for a wedding, the crew offered to get the couple to their reception on time with a ride in the fire truck.

The fire department posted on its Facebook page that “Engine 14 … had the wonderful honor of making sure the happy couple didn’t miss their own party.”

The newlyweds arrived in style to their reception — and got an especially memorable start to their marriage.

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