Trump lawyer Michael Cohen says he’ll ‘gladly’ testify — if Congress subpoenas him

One of President Donald Trump’s personal attorneys, Michael Cohen, has received an “invitation to provide information and testimony” that pertains to the Russia investigation to House and Senate intelligence committees, Cohen has confirmed.

“I declined the invitation to participate, as the request was poorly phrased, overly broad and not capable of being answered,” Cohen told CNN Tuesday, adding that he considered it a “total fishing expedition.”

“They have yet to produce one single piece of credible evidence that would corroborate the Russia narrative,” Cohen said. He called the investigation a “rush to judgment.”

Cohen told CNN Tuesday that if Congress issues a subpoena to him, he will testify.

“I have not been subpoenaed to testify. If I am subpoenaed to testify I will comply — and gladly — as I have nothing to hide,” Cohen said. “There is no shred of evidence that implicates me.”

Cohen was the second person in Trump’s orbit to flatly deny a request from congressional investigators. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn rebutted a House request last week through his lawyer.

Flynn also originally refused to respond to a Senate subpoena, then signaled Tuesday that he would comply with two subpoenas sent to his businesses and would also provide personal documents sought via a separate subpoena, according to a person close to him.

The Senate intelligence committee voted last week to give the two leaders of their investigation — GOP Sen. Richard Burr and Democratic Sen. Mark Warner — subpoena power following Flynn’s rejection. But Democrats have objected to House intelligence chairman Devin Nunes, R-California, still having a say on the issuing of subpoenas, despite a promise to step aside from the probe.

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