Insurgents attack state TV building in Afghanistan

A number of insurgents have attacked a building housing a state TV station in Jalalabad, eastern Afghanistan, police tell CNN.

An explosion was heard from the vicinity after the insurgents entered the building, Nangarhar police spokesman Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal said Wednesday.

Radio Television Afghanistan’s Kabul office confirmed the attack in its Jalalabad office was ongoing but gave no other details.

The town’s main hospital confirmed it received six people who were injured in the attack.

Recent attacks

Civilians are often targeted by militants in Afghanistan in bombings and attacks by gunmen.

In February, a team of three drivers and five Red Cross field officers was on its way to deliver livestock materials to an area in Jawzjan province when “unknown armed men” attacked it, the International Committee of the Red Cross said.

A month before that, dozens were killed in a flurry of attacks across the country, including twin suicide bombings near the Afghan Parliament in Kabul, an explosion at a Kandahar province government compound and a suicide bombing in Helmand province.

In August 2016, an attack led to the deaths of 13 people including students and staff at Kabul’s American University of Afghanistan.

According to the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, 3,498 civilians were killed and 7,920 injured in 2016 — marking the highest number of civilian casualties since the UN began documenting statistics in Afghanistan.

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