Tech earnings; Ivanka Trump meets with Merkel; Trump’s 100th day

1. Tech earnings: On Wednesday and Thursday, a slew of tech companies will release their quarterly earnings reports. Twitter comes on Wednesday, followed by Google, Microsoft and Amazon on Thursday.

Twitter is an especially interesting stock to watch this week. The social media focused company is trading close to its all time low and it continues to feel the pressure of competitors like Facebook and Snap.

Meanwhile, investors have been excited about Microsoft. Its ability to monetize cloud computing services has pushed the stock higher in recent months.

Related: Twitter takes another swipe at easing 140 character limit

2. Ivanka goes to Europe: March’s meeting between President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel was a bit awkward — Trump made some odd jokes, and the lack of a handshake raised many eyebrows. Another Trump will get a chance to make better impression this week, though. The president’s daughter, Ivanka will be going to Berlin on Tuesday for a G20 meeting on gender equality where the German leader will also be present.

3. 100 Days of Trump: Rightly or wrongly, many consider the first hundred days of a president’s administration to be like a weigh station. For President Trump, that milestone comes on Saturday. While the President and his staff are spinning the start to his term positively, others look at the failure on health care reform and the stalled efforts on immigration bans as black marks.

4. Talking Brexit: While a lot of time has been spent thinking about how Britain will go about exiting the European Union, there is another question to consider as well — how the EU will handle the UK leaving. The other 27 members of the EU will meet on Saturday to talk about establishing guidelines for how to handle the UK’s pending exit.

5. Coming this week:

Tuesday — Caitlyn Jenner’s book to be released

Wednesday — Steve Mnuchin speaks on tax reform; Twitter reports earnings

Thursday — NRA annual meeting in Atlanta begins; Alphabet, Microsoft and Amazon report earnings

Friday — GM earnings

Saturday — White House Correspondents Dinner

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