North Korea may be capable of sarin-tipped missiles, Japan PM says

North Korea already may have the capability to deliver missiles equipped with sarin nerve gas, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Thursday.

“The security situation around our country is getting increasingly severe,” he said.

“We have just talked about Syria. There is a possibility that North Korea already has a capability to put sarin on warheads to strike the ground.”

He said Japan remains diligent following the attacks in Syria.

“Just recently, over 100 innocent citizens, including babies and children, fell victim in Syria. We should clearly keep in mind the reality, and one would argue that we must have strong deterrence not to allow such things to happen. We are strengthening the Japan US alliance for that. As the security situation is getting increasingly severe around our country, we should strengthen the deterrence of the Japan US alliance based on an appropriate division of roles between Japan and the United States, and continue to study what we must do in order to protect the lives and the assets of the Japanese people.”

Abe did not say why he speculates North Korea may have the capability to equip missiles with sarin gas.

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