Young Syrian girl tweets support for strikes on base

President Donald Trump has one very vocal supporter of his decision to launch military strikes on Syria — a 7-year-old girl.

Bana Alabed, a young Syrian refugee who now lives in Turkey, tweeted out her feelings a few hours after the missile attack began.

“I am a Syrian child who suffered under Bashar al Asad & Putin,” she wrote. “I welcome Donald Trump action against the killers of my people.”

Bana became the face of the human toll of Syria’s conflict last year when she shared her experiences from the besieged city of Aleppo via her Twitter feed, which has more than 360,000 followers. She and her family have been living in Turkey since fleeing Aleppo in December.

In a series of tweets early Friday, Bana slammed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing them of taking actions during Syria’s 6-year-old civil war that’s resulted in bombed schools and slain children.

“Putin and Bashar al Asad bombed my school, killed my friends & robbed my childhood. It’s time to punish the killers of children in Syria,” she wrote.

Earlier this week, after a chemical attack in northwest Syria killed more than 80 people, she was also on Twitter, sharing photos of the victims and lashing out at the world for not doing more to end the fighting. She told CNN’s New Day that the lack of global action made her “sad.”

In one of her tweets Friday, she made a plea for peace all over the world.

“We don’t want WORLD WAR THREE. we don’t want the war in Syria. let’s stand together & end all wars.”

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