Mercedes, Hyundai pull ads from ‘The O’Reilly Factor’

Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai are pulling ads from “The O’Reilly Factor” after a report about five settlements with women who alleged sexual harassment or verbal abuse by the show’s host, Bill O’Reilly.

The decisions signal growing financial damage for the most popular show on cable news as its combative anchor falls under closer scrutiny.

Hyundai said early Tuesday that it is not currently advertising on “The O’Reilly Factor” but will remove upcoming ads because of the “recent and disturbing allegations.”

“We will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation as we plan future advertising decisions,” the company said.

Mercedes-Benz used similar language on Monday when it pulled its own ads.

“The allegations are disturbing and, given the importance of women in every aspect of our business, we don’t feel this is a good environment in which to advertise our products right now,” spokeswoman Donna Boland told CNNMoney.

The New York Times reported on Sunday that settlements totaling $13 million had been reached with five women who accused O’Reilly of inappropriate behavior.

One of the women, Wendy Walsh, told CNN on Monday night that she was not out for money. “I just want a nontoxic work environment for my daughters and their generation,” she told Don Lemon.

O’Reilly did not address the Times report on his show Monday night. In a statement over the weekend, 21st Century Fox said it “takes matters of workplace behavior very seriously” but stood by O’Reilly. It also said none of the women used a company hotline to report improper behavior.

“The O’Reilly Factor,” reportedly generated $446 million in ad revenue between 2014 and 2016. O’Reilly is also a best-selling author whose books have been adapted for television — a one-man, multimedia juggernaut and a star asset for the business associates and sponsors in his orbit.

The question now is whether other companies will follow Mercedes and Hyundai. CNNMoney reached out to more than 20 companies and brands that have advertised on “The O’Reilly Factor,” which is coming off its highest-rated quarter in history — about 4 million viewers a night.

One of them, Lexus, said in a statement, “We take our duties as a responsible advertiser seriously, and seek to partner with organizations who share our company culture and philosophy of respect for all people. We will continue to monitor the situation and will take any appropriate action through our media buying partners.”

A spokesperson for Jenny Craig said that the organization “condemns any and all forms of sexual harassment,” but declined to comment further.

The dog food brand Nutrish declined to comment “on anything related to our media buy.”

Other companies said they were looking into the matter. A spokesperson for Fox News did not respond to a request for comment on Monday.

O’Reilly is a similar draw in publishing, where he has established himself as one of the most successful nonfiction authors in the world.

Henry Holt & Company, O’Reilly’s publisher, said last year that his “Killing” franchise — a series of historic blockbusters that examine the deaths or attempted assassinations of various figures from Jesus to JFK — had sold 14.5 million copies.

Some of the “Killing” books have been adapted into made-for-TV films by National Geographic, which is part of the portfolio of cable channels of Fox News parent 21st Century Fox.

Neither Henry Holt nor National Geographic responded to a request for comment.

The 2015 adaptation of “Killing Jesus” set a ratings record for National Geographic. “Killing the Rising Sun,” the latest installment of the series about the United States’ bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — has been on the New York Times’ best seller list for 28 weeks.

It’s a safe bet that O’Reilly’s new book “Old School,” a manifesto of sorts on the author’s personal beliefs, will crack that list soon. The book contrasts adherents to “traditional values” with “snowflakes,” the left-of-center forces O’Reilly believes to be too politically correct and sensitive.

At a press conference on Monday, the attorney Lisa Bloom, who is representing one of the accusers featured in the Times’ report, took issue with O’Reilly’s claim to be a “target” of lawsuits.

“Bill O’Reilly, you call out whiners as delicate snowflakes,” Bloom said in a statement. “But you’re the one whining now.”

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