Having trouble reaching your Congressperson? There’s an app for that

Having a hard time leaving a message for your senator or representative? Stance, a new app aimed at changing how constituents interact with their congressional representative, may help get your voice heard.

Having a hard time leaving a message for your senator or representative? Stance, a new app aimed at changing how constituents interact with their congressional representative, may help get your voice heard.

You record a message for your senator or representative, and the app delivers the recording at night when the phone lines are freed up. If the lines are busy, Stance will keep calling back until your message is successfully delivered.

While Stance may make it easier to contact representatives, keep in mind your messages are not private. After sending your message along, Stance publishes every recording on their site — your contact information and all. They also publicly tweet your message to the congressperson’s Twitter handle.

“We believe that hearing other’s messages will inspire and bring people together,” the company wrote on its site.

User Ryan Giglio told CNN that while he was surprised to see his message on Twitter, he plans to continue using Stance.

“I like that I could take five minutes to do it, and know it will only take five minutes, not thirty, and the message will get through,” Giglio said.

Stance isn’t the only app making easier for people to have their voices heard. This week, Facebook released a new feature called, “Town Hall” which allows users to locate and contact their local, state, and federal representatives.

The feature lets users call, email, or message representatives straight from both the desktop site and mobile app.

While Facebook and Stance are helping people speak up, neither can guarantee users a response.

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