The girl who interrupted her dad’s BBC interview just made herself a star

Meet Marion Kelly, your new viral hero. The 4-year-old is the daughter of professor Robert Kelly, who was just trying to do an interview on the BBC last week when Marion danced into the room and stole the show.

The internet has not stopped thinking about the moment, which spoke deeply to parents and victims of remote interview foolery alike. On Wednesday, the Kelly family held a press conference in South Korea to talk about their fame and how exactly the whole moment went down.

They said some charming stuff but once again, all eyes were on Marion, looking for all the world like a little Arthur clone in a trench coat and baby pink glasses.

People were loving it.

They wanted to BE her, this little force of chaos that no well-prepared interview or expertise on South Korean politics could stop.

She even has FAN ART.

That is true legend status. You do you, Marion.

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