President Trump is helping America — will Democrats?

This week, President Donald Trump made history in his joint address to Congress. He painted a picture of a united America, one that is renewing hope of a country that will prosper under America first policies.

Even as he stood in the House chamber, President Trump spoke directly to the American people from his heart, and addressed many issues that are important to them. He redoubled his commitment to protecting our country through fighting both international and homegrown terrorism, securing our borders, and rebuilding relationships with our allies around the world. And in a memorable gesture of reverence, he led a room of our nation’s leaders in honoring the legacy of Ryan Owens, who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our national security.

He extended a hand across the aisle on issues such as rebuilding American infrastructure and emphasizing the importance of paid family leave. Our President understands that our duty is to the American people and our purpose is to help them. This purpose should always be greater than partisanship.

Unfortunately, Democrats so far remain unmoved by the cries across the country for them to find common ground with our President. Despite party differences, they, too, have a duty to get on board to help repair the wreckage left in the wake of nearly a decade of failed leadership.

Farmers in eastern Kentucky, coal miners in West Virginia and factory workers in Pennsylvania do not play the political games of Washington elites. They see their jobs moving overseas and their loved ones being crushed by the burdensome costs of Obamacare. These are our friends and neighbors, and they need results — not more rhetoric.

Tuesday’s speech is just one illustration of our President’s broader commitment to helping workers. Before he even took office, President Trump began delivering results for our country. He went to Indiana to personally rescue the jobs of hundreds of Carrier employees that were in danger of losing them to foreign workers.

Other companies like Dow Chemical, based in my home state of Michigan, have pledged to reinvest in American jobs. Donald Trump’s election and his promise to cultivate economic growth at levels we haven’t seen in decades is clearly making a difference.

After years of stagnant wages, there is once again hope that our children will have a shot at the American dream that was promised to our parents’ generation.

But for so many children a shot at a brighter future seems unattainable because a quality education is out of reach. As a mother, I understand that there is no tool more important to a child realizing their full potential than a safe and inspirational classroom environment. This is something President Trump understands as well, which is why he called on Congress to pass an education bill that promotes school choice for all children, particularly those in disadvantaged and under-served communities. The President celebrated the incredible story of Denisha Merriweather, who was able to break the cycle of poverty because of the private education she received through the type of programs he is proposing.

Stories like Denisha’s and so many more are why President Trump is the leader the American people chose to fight for them in Washington. His bold message and unrelenting work ethic encapsulate the American spirit of resilience and optimism for a better tomorrow that has empowered this nation for centuries. I am proud to stand behind him as he implements the vision he shared with our country on Tuesday night.

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