Car bomb kills dozens near Syrian town of al-Bab

A car bomb killed as many as 60 people and wounded dozens more Friday in northwestern Syria, Turkish state media and activist groups said.

The attack killed between 53 and 60 people in Sousian village, according to activist groups Aleppo Media Center and the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The groups said ISIS militants were believed to be behind the attack.

Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency reported that 60 people were killed and at least 100 others wounded, adding that the car bomb targeted a security building for the Free Syrian Army, an association of rebel groups fighting ISIS.

Dozens of injured Syrians are being treated at a hospital across the border in the Turkish town of Kilis, Anadolu said.

Thirty-three of those killed in the blast have been identified, said Barry Abdullatif, founder of media activist group al-Bab City Coordination.

There were multiple reports Thursday that Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army rebels had pushed ISIS out of the area, specifically from the key town of al-Bab along the Turkey-Syria border. Sousian village is a few miles from al-Bab.

Al-Bab is ISIS’ last significant holdout north of the terror group’s de facto capital of Raqqa in Syria.

Al-Bab was bombed by US, Russian and Turkish aircraft this month, CNN reported.

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