Postcards to President Trump: ‘You’ve destroyed my dream’

People from each of the seven countries affected by President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration have sent video postcards to the US leader expressing their frustration with the measure.

The order, which has been temporarily frozen, suspended refugee admissions for at least 120 days and barred people from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the US for at least 90 days.

In a series of video postcards, people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen and Iraq address President Trump over the ban.

Malbrook Al Harbi, an English teacher from the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, delivered an appeal centered on freedom to the President.

“What makes America unique is the coexistence of freedom… therefore banning [immigrants] is a violation of all these facts and values,” he said in his short video.

Iraqi Abdallah al Hillali asked Trump to reconsider the ban.

“Please think back again about your decisions and what you are doing in the next few years because this is not good for your country,” he said.

Others took a less conciliatory tone. Mohammed, a young Libyan artist said: “You just destroyed my dream. Hope you feel better now, Mr. Trump.”

Those seeking to escape violence in war-torn countries talked about the plans they had.

Somalian Mohamed Sona said he was seeking to reunite with family that had already resettled in Minnesota.

“Please lift the ban and allow me to realize my dream,” he said.

Bana al-Abed, the 7-year-old Syrian girl who brought the world’s attention to the humanitarian crisis in war-ravaged Aleppo, asked Trump not to forget the children of war.

“I want you to support the children of Syria and help us,” she said.

On Tuesday, a panel of judges from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments. The ruling on whether the ban will remain suspended is due this week.

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