‘This is Us’ cast pays viewer a visit

"This Is Us" star Milo Ventimiglia surprised a viewer who was watching his show. Ventimiglia captured the moment on video.

What’s better than watching your favorite TV show curled up on your couch? Clearly, a knock on the door from one of the stars of that show.

That’s exactly what happened recently to a lucky “This Is Us” fan.

Milo Ventimiglia, who stars in the hit series, was filming scenes last week when he happened to notice a man watching the show next door.

When Ventimiglia caught a glimpse of “This is Us” playing on the man’s TV, he gathered the crew and cast members to surprise the unsuspecting fan.

“This is Us” shared a video of the moment on the show’s Facebook page on Tuesday.

The fan’s reaction to the surprise visit is, well, surprisingly calm.

“This Is Us” airs Tuesday nights on NBC.

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