After protests, Romania scraps proposed corruption bill

Amid ongoing nationwide protests, the Romanian government has scrapped a controversial bill that would have protected many politicians from being prosecuted for corruption.

The official repeal of the corruption decree was announced Sunday in a government statement following an emergency meeting of Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu’s Cabinet.

The announcement and a nationally televised address by the Prime Minister a day earlier did little to stem anger over the now-abandoned corruption decree. Occasionally violent street protests occurred across the nation Saturday and were some of the largest in Romania since its communist government fell in 1989.

Massive rallies were expected again Sunday in Bucharest and other cities.

Grindeanu said Saturday there were some problems in communicating the decree to the public. He said the justice minister, who championed the law, had taken full responsibility.

“I don’t want to divide Romania,” Grindeanu said Saturday, as crowds protested across the country, including in Bucharest’s Victory Square just outside the government headquarters.

“Romania cannot be torn apart. Romania in this moment due to what’s going on seems to be divided, but it’s my last wish to get to anything like that,” he said.

Concern over decree

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker expressed concern over the new law this week.

“The fight against corruption needs to be advanced, not undone,” he said. “We are following the latest developments in Romania with great concern.”

The embassies of Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States issued a joint statement echoing Juncker’s sentiments.

Grindeanu has tasked the Justice Ministry with getting the ball rolling to create a replacement law “that will align with [the] Constitutional Court decisions, European Union directives” and existing Romanian law.

Sunday’s government statement also says the Cabinet agreed to make public extracts of transcripts of lawmakers’ debates in months leading up to the corruption law.

The law, which would have taken effect in about a week, decriminalized corruption that causes damage worth less than about $48,000, or 200,000 lei. The law would have freed some officials imprisoned for corruption, halted all investigations for pending corruption offenses and prevented further cases related to these offenses from being brought to justice.

The decree would have benefited politicians such as Liviu Dragnea, president of the Social Democrat Party, which recently took power. Dragnea is under investigation over abuse of power allegations and had also previously received a two-year suspended sentence for an elections offense.

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