Sen. Markey on Mulvaney and Price: I’m a ‘no’ on both

With Friday’s inauguration now formally in America’s rearview mirror, Donald Trump is now officially the nation’s commander in chief.

However, many of the President’s Cabinet nominees are still enduring the arduous process of being confirmed by the Senate.

On Tuesday, Rep. Mick Mulvaney and Rep. Tom Price took turns in their respective hot seats during a pair of confirmation hearings, and the multihour event left Sen. Ed Markey unimpressed.

“They have big questions they have to answer,” said Markey, a Democratic senator from Massachusetts.

Appearing live with CNN’s Erin Burnett, Markey noted that those aforementioned questions “go right to the heart … of the health care system in our country.”

Mulvaney has been nominated to lead the Office of Management and Budget, while Price has been tapped to head the Department of Health and Human Services.

Asked point blank by the host, Markey was entirely clear in revealing his formal stance.

“I am a no vote on both of them,” he said. “They are not the appropriate people to be running these two critical agencies in the United States.”

On Tuesday evening, Nikki Haley was confirmed by the Senate as ambassador to the United Nations, making her the fourth of Trump’s Cabinet nominees to be approved.

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