Duterte’s pushed someone out of a chopper — and says he’ll do it again

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to throw officials out of a flying helicopter if they misuse public funds — and admitted on live television that he’s done it before.

“Whoever will use this (public funds) for corruption, I will get him ride the helicopter with me going to Manila and will push him out while we we are up on the air,” Duterte said in a speech Tuesday. “Yes I will do that! I did that before and I can do that again.”

When asked if the event actually happened — and if the person killed was a kidnapper, as local media was reporting — Martin Andanar, the presidential communications secretary, told CNN “It happened; he said it.”

This isn’t the first time Duterte has admitted to killing people.

Earlier this month, he told a business forum that he personally killed suspected criminals. Senator Leila de Lima, one of Duterte’s top critics, said the comments were tantamount to admitting he participated in a mass murder and were grounds for impeachment.

Duterte had previously been accused of killing a government official with a Uzi submachine gun.

The drug war

Though his admissions of killing, off-color comments and abrasive approach to international politics have drawn international interest and scrutiny in Duterte’s nascent presidency, it’s his drug war that affects the daily lives of Filipinos.

Tackling rising drug consumption and production was one of his key campaign planks during the country’s elections earlier this year.

Duterte promised to vigorously combat the problem and has waged a bloody campaign against the drug trade since taking office.

Nearly 6,000 people have been killed in the drug war since July, according to the Philippines National Police.

Despite the killing admissions and rising body count, Duterte remains extremely popular in the Philippines, with polls showing a high percentage of the country remains supportive and trusting of the President.

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