Don King: Donald Trump ‘shocked the world,’ can help negotiate peace

Boxing legend Don King stood beside President-elect Donald Trump Wednesday to discuss the relationship between Israel and the United States.

“You all know Don King? Who doesn’t know Don King,” the President-elect asked reporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

“It’s just great to be an American. And now with our leader, we’re gonna … make America great again,” King replied.

King, a longtime friend of Trump’s, praised the former reality television star’s journey to the White House.

“You have to admit he shocked the world,” King said.

Trump has repeatedly accused the Obama administration of not being a strong enough ally of Israel.

King was waving an Israeli flag while he spoke with reporters and said it was a symbol of peace.

“We want everyone to come together as one unit who can make things happen,” King said. “He’s a leader that can make things happen.”

Often frustrated with President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday he looks forward to Trump’s arrival in the White House in his response to Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech criticizing Israeli settlements on the West Bank.

King campaigned for Trump throughout the presidential campaign, arguing that he was the best candidate for black and female voters, two groups that overwhelmingly supported the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.

“This is an election about the people and the candidates — who’s the strongest, the bravest, the most courageous. To take them out of that, there is none other than a guy named Donald J. Trump,” King said earlier this year. “And then we can make this thing happen where we’ve got a voice, included not excluded. We are the leftouts: the white woman, people of color.”

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