Young cancer victim’s wish to ‘blow stuff up’ comes true

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is in the business of making dreams come true — even when the dream is to blow stuff up.

And that was great news for Declan McLean-Pauley, a 12-year-old who is in remission from lukemia. He wanted to set off on his journey of recovery with a bang.

So, Make-A-Wish Australia teamed up with the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

And Declan got to detonate explosive devices during controlled training exercises at the AFP headquarters. Declan also got a ride in an armored car, a speed boat and he even got to meet the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.

“The family were blown away with the wish,” said David Sharpe from the Australia Federal Police, who coordinated the event. “We don’t often get a police wish, so I was quite excited.”

Declan’s mom said it wasn’t just Declan; the entire family loved the trip.

“We have been looking forward to this wish for many months and it has been a great distraction from what is like a big wrecking ball hanging over our family while he was still receiving treatment.”

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