Kanye has a lot in common with Trump

Plenty of people were plenty shocked that Kanye West said he’s pro-Donald Trump.

After all, this is the same man who famously declared that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

During a concert this week, West said he would have voted for Trump in the recent presidential election, if he had voted.

And folks seemed genuinely surprised by this proclamation. But when you think of it, could there be two celebrities more similar?

Here’s what we mean:


Neither Yeezy nor Trump suffer from any self-esteem issues.

In 2013, Trump posted on Facebook “Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loser — having a healthy ego, or high opinion of yourself, is a real positive in life!”

Let us not forget that West was once quoted saying “My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.”


The two are each married to beautiful women, who you can see a lot of if you Google their images.

Like, a lot.

Both Kim Kardashian West and Melania Trump have been criticized for posing nude — and both seem none too concerned about said criticism.

The women have also each been lampooned for “copying” other famous women: Melania Trump caught heat for lifting portions of a speech from First Lady Michelle Obama, while Kim Kardashian West has been known to “borrow” Beyonce’s style.


Trump is so famous that he made it into West’s, now famous, “Famous” video.

The mogul was made in the image of one of 12 lifelike, naked sculptures West placed in a bed for the music video.

The project was intended, the rapper said, to be he’s statement on fame.

“It was an expression of our now, our fame right now, us on the inside of the TV,” he said at the 2015 MTV Music Awards. “This is fame, bro… We all came over in the same boat and now we all ended up in the same bed.”

Wealth, and debt

It’s no secret that the President-elect has filed for bankruptcy before. He could probably offer West some tips on how to bounce back from a “restructuring.”

In February, the rapper complained that he was $53 million in debt because of his forays into the fashion world.

‘Delete your account’

Where do we even begin with these two and their Twitter behavior?

It’s an understatement to say they’ve each taken turns stirring the Twitterverse.

If you don’t believe us, check out this cool interactive:


Trump is now the President-elect and Ye is not backing down from his promise to run for president in 2020.

In September 2015, Trump responded to West’s White House aspirations by declaring the rapper “great.”

Trump added he would never say anything negative about West “because he loves Trump!”

“He goes around saying ‘Trump is my all-time hero,'” Trump said during a press conference. “He says it to everybody. So, Kanye West, I love him.”

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