Wearing a hijab in post-Trump America

My oldest daughter voluntarily shares with just about anyone she is of Turkish, Egyptian, Pakistani and Indian roots, while amplifying her ultimate pride in also being American and Muslim. Since her toddler years, her cultural background has been one of the most exciting aspects of her life.

I teach my two daughters to embrace diversity and cherish it in others. They have traveled to more countries than most people visit in their lifetime and are aware of the complex world around them. I have raised them to honor everyone for their unique differences.

Lately, everything I’ve taught my daughters about diversity as an empowerment has been challenged.

I am having to explain the intolerance and hate that has surfaced in our nation since the election. My girls have questions about the spiteful rhetoric they casually overheard, despite my efforts to protect them from it. They even asked if the Muslim ban was true and if our family will have a place to live.

Suddenly, I find myself in an ironic predicament that goes against everything I have prepared my girls for: Honoring diversity in others does not guarantee the same in return.

As a journalist, I have regretfully witnessed story after story of hate crimes and racism gradually on the rise since the election. Unfortunately, the despicable rhetoric used throughout the campaign played into the fears of Americans and may have given a free ticket to those ready to act with hate.

Some of the stories I covered have touched me on an even more personal level, like seeing Muslim women being insulted or attacked for their headscarves. Acknowledging some women fear for their lives because of a personal choice they make when getting dressed absolutely baffles me; they are being forced to conform.

How can some people be so hateful to attack others with such confidence and not consider the consequences?

It’s just a scarf, why the uproar?

No really, the scarf is a simple piece of material in many sizes, shapes and colors wrapped over a woman’s head. What’s the big deal? It’s literally just another piece of clothing. But for various reasons, some people try to define it as black or white. The reality is it stands for many things related to fashion, religion, politics or society. It’s personal and intimate.

Regardless, a woman’s choice of what to wear or not wear is an exercise of her preference. Why does it concern anyone and why should she feel threatened if she chooses one way or another?

Nearly a year ago I wrote about removing my hijab to find myself. I wore it part time. After experimenting with it I decided to keep it on full time. While for most people the reason to cover may be religious, mine is primarily social. I have realized I choose to wear a hijab as a symbolic voice of diversity in society. I exercised my freedom without fear or influence.

However, this very freedom may be threatened in a post-Trump America. Keeping a hijab on may potentially cost me my safety and my daughters’. I am now finding myself worried about every trip I take outdoors with my girls. Thoughts of being attacked or putting my girls in harm’s way fill my head. I wonder, is it just safer to take it off again so I don’t “look” Muslim?

Yet my faith whispers to keep it on in defiance of fear.

My resilience pushes me to continue influencing the diverse social platform that represents all of America.

United we stand, divided we fall

Openly violating and threatening a woman to remove an article of clothing and further taking action by touching that woman is assault. And as Americans who stand for the rights and freedoms of all, we cannot condone assault, regardless of which side of the political spectrum we may lean.

No one should contemplate hiding their way into safety by changing the way they look or dress.

I am not alone wondering. Other minorities find themselves looking for ways to fit in while maintaining their identities and staying safe.

At least I can remove a scarf off my head, but there are those who cannot change their skin color or facial features to hide their way into safety. The mere fact that I must have this conversation with myself is problematic to the core values of American freedoms.

America, we are bigger and better than the few among us who choose to act out of fear rather than love. The America I know is not limiting or limited to certain beliefs, it is inclusive of our uniqueness. It has space for all of us.

We cannot allow hateful speech or differences to divide us. We cannot allow divisiveness to drive us into a fall. We must stand up for ourselves and fellow Americans to remain united.

This is not a matter of religious choice, it’s a duty on each of us to protect the same rights of others we want granted to ourselves.

A message to Donald Trump

The people have elected you to become the next President of the greatest nation in the world, the United States of America.

We have heard you speak numerous times throughout the campaign about your plans to protect our citizens from the dangers in the world. Thank you for the passion to keep us safe in the world. But consider this: Security begins at home. The divisiveness heated by differences leading into hateful crimes, racial slurs and intolerance is not a safe haven for any American right now. You owe it to us as President to change this atmosphere.

Shortly after you won the election, you stated you would be president to all Americans. I am counting on you to mean it. We need to hear you as loud as we have during the campaign, stating this country is for ALL Americans and denouncing hateful crimes, racial slurs and intolerance.

Reassure us that our nation will no longer be motivated by fear and will come together as one full of diversity that is mutually respected and embraced.

Use your rhetoric. Use your resources. Tweet us messages of tolerance and unity.

I, along with all other Americans who value the freedoms and justice afforded to us, anticipate you will start with making America great at home first. The America we know stands for liberty and justice for all, so that none of us have to ever contemplate trading our choices for safety as I am right now.

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