The world comes to terms with President-elect Donald Trump

If the world had had a vote, polling suggested Hillary Clinton would be the American President-elect.

America voted, and the President-elect is Donald Trump.

A pillar of the alliance, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, summed up global reaction: “The result is different to what most people in Germany had hoped to see. But of course we accept it.”

There are congratulations to be sure as is usual for the winner of a free and fair democratic election; and also freely expressed concerns.

“The US is an ally of France,” said French President Hollande. “I ask for a conversation with the new administration come January 20th on important subjects like the fight against terrorism … I also urge vigilance because of statements made by Donald Trump.”

Start with NATO. During the campaign, Trump called the military alliance “obsolete,” only to flip-flop and insist he is a “big fan,” but that allies would have to pay or lose US protection, appearing to turn the 70-year cornerstone of transatlantic security into a mere business deal.

No one quite knows what a Trump foreign policy would look like.

“I, as many of you, watched the election results with trepidation,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said today. “The person the American people choose to be their president in free and fair elections has an effect far beyond the United States.”

And she made this conditional offer to Donald Trump.

“Germany and America are bound together by values: democracy, freedom, respect of law and respect of people regardless of their origin, the colour of their skin, their religion, gender, sexual orientation or their political beliefs. On the basis of these values I I am offering to work closely with the future President of the United States, Donald Trump.”

A big concern is a resurgent Russia, which has annexed Crimea, invaded Eastern Ukraine and intervened on behalf of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad. Trump has repeatedly praised Putin and his leadership style.

And today, President Putin returned the compliment, congratulating Trump “with his victory.”

“We have heard his electoral slogans when he was still a candidate of the elections,” President Putin said. “He spoke about resuming and restoring relation with Russia. We understand the way to that will be difficult taking into account the current state of degradation of relations between the US and Russia.”

Allies expect the next president to defend the integrity of “Brand America” — its democratic system that underpins its global leadership, after Russia has been roundly accused of trying to undermine its legitimacy with hacking of the Democratic Party.

In Asia too, praise for the election result. And again, concern among allies like Japan and South Korea, who wonder whether a President Trump would keep holding America’s protective umbrella over them, or cut them adrift to develop their own nuclear deterrent, as he suggested during the campaign.

While the Chinese Foreign Ministry quickly tried to stave off tariffs and trade barriers threatened by Trump.

“China is not hurting the US economy,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang said. “China-US economic relations have been beneficial to both countries. We hope the new US government can ensure a sound relationship with China.”

Iran, meanwhile, called for the US to honor the nuclear deal it signed with world powers, although Trump has called it “the worst” and threatened to tear it up, without providing any alternative.

And in Israel, a key minister, Naftali Bennett, said that with Trump’s victory, “the era of a Palestinian state is over.”

More ominously, in Europe, an outpouring of love for Trump’s victory from the far right.

The Netherlands’ Geert Wilders tweeted: “A historic victory! A revolution! We will also give our country back to the Dutch!”

A jubilant Nigel Farage, the father of Brexit tweeted: “I hand over the mantle to Donald Trump … Looks like 2016 is going to be the year of two big political revolutions.”

As an array of strongmen line up from the Philippines to Turkey, from Russia to Europe, and now the US, the German Vice Chancellor had this to say: “Trump is a warning to us as well.”

“He is the harbinger,” said Sigmar Gabriel, “of a new authoritarian and chauvinistic international movement.”

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