6 stories you may have missed during the US election

You might still be glued to US election coverage. But that doesn’t mean news hasn’t been breaking in the rest of the world over the last 24 hours.

Here are some of the stories you may have missed while Donald Trump was being elected next president of the US.

Mastermind of Paris and Brussels attacks identified

French investigators named ISIS militant Oussama Atar as the suspected coordinator behind the Paris and Brussels terror attacks earlier this year.

The 32-year-old Belgian-Moroccan dual national — also known as Abu Ahmad — is thought to have directed the attacks from Syria.

Authorities say he radicalized at least one of the El Bakraoui brothers, who are also his cousins. The brothers blew themselves up in the Brussels Airport and metro attacks in March.

The Brussels attacks killed 32 people, while the Paris attacks killed 130 people across the French capital. Atar remains at large.

Syrians were killed in US-led coalition air strikes

A US-led coalition air strike killed 16 civilians, including six women and a child, in a village near ISIS’s Syrian stronghold of Raqqa, according to the monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

But a spokeswoman for the Kurdish-Arab alliance dismissed the reports of civilian deaths.

British banker guilty of killing two Indonesian women

Rurik Jutting, 31, was found guilty of the 2014 murder of two Indonesian migrant workers, Sumarti Ningsih and Seneng Mujiasih, in Hong Kong.

Jurors returned the unanimous verdict after hearing gruesome testimony of the horrific crimes which included torture and rape — some of which Jutting filmed on his phone.

The judge called Jutting an “archetypal sexual predator.”

Iraq’s refugee crisis got worse

More than 34,000 people from Mosul and neighboring districts have fled their homes since the start of last month’s operation to recapture the city from ISIS, according to a report released Tuesday by the International Organization for Migration.

Aid organizations have warned that more than a million people could be displaced in the battle for Mosul, and while it has not yet reached that scale, recent displacement numbers show that more than 1,000 people are fleeing a week.

On Monday, a mass grave containing the remains of about 100 beheaded civilians was found by Iraqi forces about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) south of Mosul.

National Geographic’s ‘Afghan Girl’ was deported

Sharbat Gula, the woman known as the “Afghan Girl” for her appearance on a 1984 National Geographic cover, will be deported back to Afghanistan on Wednesday after pleading guilty to charges of illegally staying in Pakistan.

And Britain’s Prince Harry told the media to back off

Prince Harry attacked the press for subjecting his girlfriend, American actress Meghan Markle, to “a wave of abuse and harassment,” in a rare statement released by Kensington Palace on Tuesday.

The Prince said he was concerned for Markle’s safety after she was trolled online.

It’s the first time the couple’s relationship has been officially confirmed.

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