New Trump ad ridicules Clinton for asking why she’s not ’50 points ahead’

A new ad from Donald Trump ridicules Hillary Clinton for asking why she is not trouncing the Republican presidential nominee in the polls.

The new spot, which began airing Friday, comes as Trump drastically scales up his advertising push next month to more than $5 million a week — with almost half of that money going to Florida, according to advertising records. The ad will air on both national cable and in battleground states.

“Why aren’t I 50 points ahead, you might ask?” Clinton begins in a soundbite that is quickly making its way into many GOP ads.

“Maybe it’s because the director of the FBI said you lied about your emails,” a narrator intones. “Or maybe it’s because your policies have allowed ISIS and terrorism to spread.”

The spot then moves to lambasting Clinton for categorizing half of Trump’s supporters as “deplorables,” featuring Clinton’s remark delivered at a fundraiser earlier this month.

It then concludes with Clinton again asking the rhetorical question about the 50-point spread.

“Do you really need to ask?” the narrator concludes.

Trump has been badly outspent on television during the entire campaign, but has nevertheless remained competitive in swing-state polling. His campaign has pledged to spend $150 million on advertising in the final six weeks before Election Day.

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