The son of China’s richest man bought his dog eight iPhone 7s

Apple fans lined up across China last week to get their hands on the latest iPhone, while others tried to smuggle handsets in from Hong Kong.

But one iPhone user didn’t have to worry: Coco the Alaskan malamute.

Coco’s owner Wang Sicong, son of Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin (estimated worth $30 billion), bought her eight iPhone 7 handsets on the day of their release, according to photos posted on the dog’s verified Weibo social media account — China’s equivalent of Twitter.

“I don’t understand all the show-off posts on (social media),” read the post alongside the photos.

“What’s the point? Don’t make me do it?”

In China, an iPhone 6 costs 6,988 yuan ($1,047), while the larger iPhone 7 Plus goes for 7,988 yuan ($1,197).

Nation’s husband

This isn’t the first time Wang has doted on Coco in this fashion.

In 2015, he attracted widespread outrage in China after posting photos of the dog wearing two Apple Watches with luxury bands worth upwards of $37,000.

He’s part of China’s fu’erdai or second-generation rich — the sons and daughters of tycoons that are best known for flaunting their decadent lifestyles.

Nicknamed “the nation’s husband” for his status as China’s most eligible bachelor, Wang has come under fire from state media for his outrageous displays of wealth.

Last year, the official Xinhua news agency published a blistering commentary about Wang accusing him of having “stained the purity of the Chinese (people)” and warning others not to copy the “arrogant and coarse celebrity.”

That came after Wang created a furore by saying the only characteristic he looked for in potential girlfriends was the size of their breasts, causing Xinhua to accuse him of having “Berlusconi-style arrogance.”

Criticism over “buxomgate” got so strong that Wang’s father appeared on state television to address the controversy, blaming his son’s behavior on “Western schooling.”

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