Turkey shells ISIS, Kurds in northern Syria

Turkish forces on Monday shelled Islamic State and Kurdish forces in northern Syria, state-run news agency Anadolu reported.

Soldiers struck ISIS position in Jerablus and struck the Democratic Union Party (PYD) positions in Manbij. Both cities are in Aleppo province and near the Turkish border.

Anadolu cited military sources who spoke on condition on anonymity because of restrictions on speaking to the media.

The PYD is a Kurdish opposition party with links to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK — an entity Turkey has been fighting for years.

Turkey has experienced a string of deadly bomb blasts, blamed variously on ISIS and the PKK.

It called the targets it struck on Monday “terrorist Daesh and PYD positions.” Daesh is another term for ISIS.

Kurdish fighters have become U.S. allies in the battle against ISIS in Syria and Iraq and played a major role in driving the group out of Manbij this month.

The YPG, the military arm of PYD, is one of the groups in the alliance that ousted ISIS from Manbij.

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