Airstrike hits Yemen hospital, aid group says

Airstrikes on Monday hit a hospital in northwestern Yemen, said humanitarian aid group Doctors Without Borders.

Medical teams are treating the wounded after an airstrike hit the Abs hospital in Hajjah province, the group said on Twitter. The number of killed and injured was unknown.

“We are assessing the situation to secure the safety of patients and staff,” Doctors Without Borders said. More than 4,600 patients have received medical help since the group, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF, began supporting the hospital in July 2015.

The facility has been providing a range of services and medical aid for internally displaced people, along with emergency and maternal health care and surgery, the group said on its website.

The strike on the hospital comes on the heels of Saudi-led coalition planes bombing two schools in northern Yemen on Saturday, killing at least 14 children. The coalition insists the target of the airstrikes was a militia training camp.

It is not the first time a hospital supported by Doctors Without Borders has been hit in Yemen. In January, at least five people were killed and 10 others, including three Doctors Without Borders members, were injured when a hospital was hit in northern Yemen.

Amnesty International called the hospital attack a “deplorable act” and potentially a war crime.

“Today’s airstrike appears to be the latest in a string of unlawful attacks targeting hospitals highlighting an alarming pattern of disregard for civilian life,” said Magdalena Mughrabi, deputy director of the Middle East and North Africa program. “Deliberately targeting medical facilities is a serious violation of international humanitarian law which would amount to a war crime. The circumstances of this attack must be thoroughly and independently investigated.”

The U.S. State Department is “deeply concerned” about the reported hospital strike and is conferring with Saudi officials about civilian casualties, said spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau.

“We call on all parties to cease hostilities immediately,” Trudeau said. “We would note that the Saudi committee that was designated to look into civilian casualties … did share its findings with the UN. We believe that’s a step forward in transparency, and as we’ve previously underscored we also call on them to publicly release those reports.”

The country has become a proxy battleground between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Saudi-led Arab coalition began launching airstrikes in support of the Sunni government against the Shiite Houthi minority rebels in March 2015.

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