Central Pennsylvania Whitetail Bucks Semi-Pro Football Team to Hold Reunion

whitetailbucksSTATE COLLEGE — The Central Pennsylvania Whitetail Bucks, a semi-professional football team that played throughout Central and Western PA, as well as in Ohio, from 1975-1978, will be holding a reunion at the University Club, on Friday August 19 and Saturday, August 20.

All former owners/coaches and players are asked to be in attendance, and if you know of other players or coaches, please let them know and get in touch with the point of contact listed below.

The social hour and dinner will be held in State College, PA and will be hosted by Ron Rehmeyer (1978) and will be held at the University Club, 331 West College Avenue, State College, PA, 16801.

Additionally, Mark Speck, who resides in Maine, and is originally from Williamsburg, PA has authored a book on the Central Pennsylvania Whitetail Bucks, titled: Playing for a Hoagie and a Beer; you can purchase a copy at Amazon.com or through St Johann Press.

Both Mark and copies of the book will be in attendance.

Point of contact for this event is Tom Marlett (1976-1977) at tgm_54@hotmail.com.  Hope to see all there.

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