LTE: Group Sheds Light on Public’s Concerns Discussed at Hospital Board Meeting

Dear Editor:

Members of the steering committee of the concerned citizens group, Save Clearfield Hospital, attended the public meeting of the Penn Highlands Clearfield Board of Directors on Monday, June 27.

While The Progress ran an article stating facts and figures reported by the CEO – mainly good safety statistics and the fact that they lost only 2 million this past fiscal year – the concerns and questions posed by the public were not covered.

As per our promise to keep the public informed, made to the hundreds in attendance at the town meeting in June of 2015, the following is a summary of discussion that was NOT reported:

The Progress reported on June 30 that our County Commissioners are hoping for more communication opportunities with the hospital’s board, saying “We want the hospital to keep us informed”.

We agree, and would like to see the directors of Penn Highlands Clearfield hold public meetings at least quarterly, in a large public venue during the evening, so that local businesspersons and a greater number of employed individuals are able to attend.

Residents of Clearfield and surrounding areas, what do YOU think? The committee welcomes your comments and your support of our efforts! Please “like” our Facebook page “Save Clearfield Hospital” and share your thoughts.


Shirley Hatten


Concerned Citizens/Steering Committee

“Save Clearfield Hospital”

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