Kristen Bell blasts Trump over ‘Frozen’ tweet: ‘Zip it Don’

Kristen Bell, who voices Anna in Disney’s “Frozen,” slammed Donald Trump on Thursday for tweeting about a “Frozen” coloring book instead of speaking out on the police shootings deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.

“Zip it Don & get ur head outta ur a–. We’ve more important things 2 think abt today #AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile,” Bell tweeted, along with a link to Trump’s original tweet where he references “Frozen.”

Trump’s campaign declined to comment.

Trump has since addressed the shootings in a statement Friday morning, expressing sorrow over the death of five Dallas police officers as well as the “senseless, tragic deaths” in Louisiana and Minnesota.

Earlier this week, Trump used an image of a “Frozen” coloring book to defend what some say is an anti-Semitic tweet criticizing “Crooked Hillary” featuring a six-pointed star.

“Where is the outrage for this Disney book? Is this the ‘Star of David’ also? Dishonest media! #Frozen,” Trump tweeted, along with a picture of a coloring book that features a similar six-point star.

The actress, who spoke out against police brutality and lamented the Dallas shooting that left five police officers dead Thursday night, later responded to a fan who asked her if “all of twitter has to shut up and talk about shootings?”

“Nope, just politicians who claim, and have chosen a career, to care about the people’s welfare,” Bell responded.

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