‘Counter-purrveillance’: Julian Assange gets a kitten for company

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has a new furry companion to help him pass the time in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he’s been holed up for nearly four years.

A Twitter account set up for Assange’s new pet @EmbassyCat shows photos of the 44-year-old posing with the tiny kitten.

It’s unclear what Assange has named the cat but its profile states “I live in the Ecuadorian Embassy with Julian Assange,” and also jokes that it is “interested in counter-purrveillance.”

Assange is wanted in Sweden on rape allegations but was granted political asylum by Ecuador in 2012.

He has said he’s afraid that if he leaves the embassy, he could end up being extradited and face the death penalty in the United States over allegations of revealing government secrets through his site, WikiLeaks.

Judging by the tweets so far, which have been littered with feline puns, it seems that the cat will be providing amusement not just to Assange but the more than 3,000 followers the account has racked up in less than 24 hours.

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