First on CNN: Ted Cruz summons top fundraisers to Vegas

Ted Cruz is summoning his top fundraisers to an exclusive retreat in Las Vegas next month.

The Texas senator’s aides on Friday called their top bundlers to gather between April 8 and 10, according to an invitation obtained by CNN. The candidate and his wife, Heidi, will be on hand.

The retreat for national finance committee members comes at a time when Cruz’s fundraising team is taking on more moneymen in order to wage a long, expensive national campaign, in order to prevent Republican front-runner Donald Trump from locking up the delegates needed to win the nomination.

Current fundraisers must collect $100,000 this quarter to attend, but people new to Cruz’s team only need $50,000, according to the invitation.

Cruz has huddled with top fundraisers once each quarter, with previous conclaves meeting at a resort in Colorado Springs, a ski lodge in Utah and in Cruz’s hometown of Houston. Representatives from allied super PACs have also attended some gatherings.

The Texas senator, who long been one of the Republican field’s dominant fundraisers, has added at least 31 new people to his finance team just over the past month, according to his campaign.

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