Ted Cruz open to Marco Rubio, John Kasich in cabinet

Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday he could see inviting presidential campaign opponents Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich into his cabinet in Washington — and he also said he could see circumstances where he would not support front-runner Donald Trump as the nominee.

The conservative Texan has been repeatedly asked about whether he would support Trump if the mogul ends up winning the primary. Despite a the presence of the “Never Trump” movement within the Republican Party, candidates have been quick to say they will support the Republican nominee.

But speaking with reporters in Illinois on Monday, Cruz did say there was a scenario he wouldn’t get behind Trump.

“I can give you one example where I would no longer support Donald Trump — if, for example, he were to go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, I would not be willing to support Donald Trump,” Cruz said.

The senator was making a reference to a statement Trump made earlier this year.

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said in Iowa in January.

But Cruz said he would stick to his promise to stand by the eventual Republican nominee, including Trump.

“If Donald Trump is the nominee, he is a disaster — I know it is a shocking concept to members of the media, a shocking concept that an elected official actually does what he said — I honor my word,” Cruz said. “When I tell you I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it.”

All candidates signed a pledge with the Republican National Committee last year to honor whomever became the nominee. At the time, the tactic was designed to prevent Trump from mounting an independent bid if he lost.

As for the other two candidates still in the race, Rubio and Kasich, Cruz said he respects them and could see using them in his White House.

After they get out of his way in the primary.

“I like and respect both Marco Rubio and John (Kasich),” Cruz said. “(But) if there isn’t a viable path, then it’s time for a candidate to move on … Of course, I could absolutely see a place for Marco Rubio and John Kasich in an administration. They’re talented, smart, serious leaders.”

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