Artist in Brazil blindfolds statues amid growing corruption

The corruption scandal that has stirred protests in Brazil is hard to watch; even the statues in Rio de Janeiro can’t look.

Over the weekend, about 100 statues throughout the city were blindfolded. Statues of former leaders, writers and even international figures have had red blindfolds placed around their face.

It is the work of an anonymous Brazilian artist, who describes the work as a silent protest.

The current protests in Brazil followed the announcement of a formal investigation into former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva for an alleged bribery scheme involving the state-owned oil company. Calls have followed for current President Dilma Rousseff to resign.

The artist told CNN that his so-called “Oracle Project” is meant to shield the eyes of those who cannot do anything to change the country.

In contrast, all nonstatue people in Brazil have the ability to do something to change the “shameful” state of the country, the artist said.

The artist behind Oracle Project says the mounting protests in the past few years serve as a way to show there is something wrong with the way the politicians are running the country.

While the project does not take sides on any political party activities, the artist says the project is “against corruption” and believes in a new “road to build a better future.”

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