U.N. approves tough sanctions against North Korea

The United Nations Security Council voted Wednesday morning to impose a broad array of sanctions against North Korea because of that nation’s efforts recent nuclear test and missile launch — both of which defied current international sanctions.

The goal of the resolution is to stop “revenue generators” that fuel North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Strict limits will be put on North Korean imports, exports and banking.

U.S. President Barack Obama immediately praised the action, saying, “Today, the international community, speaking with one voice, has sent Pyongyang a simple message: North Korea must abandon these dangerous programs and choose a better path for its people.”

Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., reminded the Security Council that North Korea was the only nation to conduct a nuclear test in the 21st century.

“With each nuclear test and launch using ballistic missile technology, the DPRK improves its capability to carry out a ballistic missile attack not only in the region but a continent away,” she said. “That means having the ability to strike most of the countries sitting on this council. Think about that.”

According to a breakdown of the text obtained by CNN before the vote, the proposed sanctions include:

— Banning Pyongyang from exporting most of the country’s natural resources used to generate money for the regime’s nuclear and missile programs. That includes coal, iron, gold and titanium.

— Asking member states to ban North Korea from opening banks and to close any banks believed to be associated with North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.

— Directing U.N. member states to expel North Korean diplomats and foreign nationals engaged in illicit activities. The draft also prohibits providing training to North Korean nationals in fields such as aerospace engineering and advanced computer simulation.

— Banning member states from allowing North Korea to charter foreign vessels or aircraft and banning all nations from operating any vessels that use North Korean flags.

— Prohibiting flights and port calls by any planes or vessels believed to be engaged in illicit activity with North Korea.

Power said the proposal will also prohibit the supply of aviation fuel — including rocket fuel — to North Korea, prohibits the sale of small arms to North Korea and requires all cargo going in and out of North Korea to be inspected.

The defiant tests

In January, Pyongyang claimed to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb in its fourth nuclear test.

In a signed letter broadcast on state-run media, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wrote that he wanted to ring in the new year with, quite literally, a bang.

“For the victorious and glorious year of 2016 when the 7th convention of the Workers’ Party will be held, make the world look up to our strong nuclear country and labor party by opening the year with exciting noise of the first hydrogen bomb!” the letter read.

In February, Pyongyang said it had successfully launched an Earth satellite into orbit via the long-range Kwangmyongsong carrier rocket.

Fighting the regime, not the people

Other nations immediately complained after the nuclear test and missile launch.

A spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said following the vote: “This firm response by the Security Council should put an end to the cycle of provocation and lead to the resumption of dialogue in accordance with the unified view of the international community.”

Japan’s permanent representative to the U.N., Motohide Yoshikawa, thanked the United States for leading the way in bringing sanctions.

“The DPRK must realize that this message is not only coming from the members of the Security Council but from the international community as a whole,” he said. “Let us be clear. No single country in the world supports the nuclear test nor ballistic missile launch by the DPRK.”

Speaking before the vote, Power stressed that the resolution is not meant to punish the people of North Korea.

“The North Korean people have suffered so much already under one of the most brutal regimes the world has ever known. Rather, this resolution focuses on a ruling elite that have inflicted so much of that suffering,” she said.

A U.S. official familiar with the text said the 22-page resolution lists 17 North Korean individuals and 12 North Korean entities that would be subject to sanctions. The people and companies are believed to be facilitators for North Korea’s weapons programs. Some operate overseas.

The company list includes the aerospace equivalent of NASA in Pyongyang. A major bank in North Korea suspected of conducting lots of financial transactions for the nation’s military nuclear and missile tests is also on the list, the official said. The sanctions would reportedly ban more luxury goods going into North Korea.

When asked whether the resolution would make a difference in North Korea’s behavior, the official expressed confidence.

“It will have an impact,” said the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

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