Attack on Kabul police headquarters kills 20; Taliban claim responsibility

An attack in west Kabul, Afghanistan, on Monday killed at least 20 people, the Afghan Interior Ministry said.

The Taliban are responsible for it, said Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman.

The target of the bombing was the headquarters of the Afghan National Civil Order Police, said Sediq Sediqqi, an Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman.

“These attacks won’t deter our determination to fight terrorists,” Sediqqi added.

In a news release, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani also condemned the attack, calling it an unforgivable act.

In early January, Mujahid said the Taliban were behind one of two suicide bombings near Kabul’s international airport. No one was killed, but at least 28 people were injured in the blasts, said Ismail Kawoosi, an Afghan Health Ministry spokesman.

Part of the airport is used for military purposes.

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