Clearfield Borough Council Discusses Winter Plowing

CLEARFIELD – Winter weather has snow-plow operators out in full-force.

At Thursday’s work session, the Clearfield Borough Council discussed snow removal operations.

Street Department Foreman Todd Kling said the crew has been working to stay ahead of the recent snow. He said the grader needed repairs but should be back in service soon.

Council Member Fran Selvage asked about junked cars near the former Third Ward School. She said the cars used to be in the alley but have been moved to the yard in front of the property. She asked if it was legal to keep junked cars in the borough.

Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott said she will have Code Enforcement Officer Larry Mack look into the car issue when he returns from sick leave.

Selvage also asked about the plow truck operators. She said some of the drivers were driving fast and piling snow by residents’ driveways. She asked of the plow operators could raise the plows or angle them around driveways.

Stott said snow in front of driveways is something everyone encounters. She said if the drivers raise the plows at every driveway, they would never get any plowing done.

Council Member Dave Gallaher said the drivers are doing an excellent job. He said snow in driveways has been going on forever and that most residents just shovel the snow out of their driveways after the plows go by.

Also at the meeting, Fire Chief George Proud invited the council members to the fire department’s annual memorial service, which will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday at Christ United Methodist Church.

The service is held every year on the weekend of Benjamin Franklin’s birthday. Franklin was instrumental in forming the first volunteer fire company in Philadelphia in 1736. The service is held to honor Franklin and pay tribute to the members of the fire department who died in 2015.


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