One senator finally ‘endorses’ Bernie Sanders

High-profile endorsements can sometimes help candidates, but Bernie Sanders recently received one that might not do him any good.

Speaking on an episode of “Arkansas Week: Special Edition” that aired on January 1, Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, offered tongue-in-cheek support for the Vermont senator in the Democratic presidential contest.

“For many months, I’ve been strongly in favor of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary,” Cotton said.

Cotton’s support would mark the first senator to back Sanders — 38 of his 46 Democratic colleagues have announced their support for front-runner Hillary Clinton. The remaining Democrats have yet to weigh in.

But don’t take the Arkansas senator too seriously: Cotton has had harsh words for Sanders in the past. During an edition of the Hugh Hewitt show last November, Cotton said his fellow senator “espouses the economic theory of communism, a political system that caused the deaths of tens of millions of people in the 20th Century.”

Sanders is a self-identified “democratic socialist” and recently explained his ideology in a campaign speech.

The junior senator declined to offer an endorsement on his side of the aisle.

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