Indian prime minister urges Pakistan to investigate attack on military base

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged his Pakistani counterpart to investigate the deadly attack by militants on the Pathankot airbase in India, according to a statement released Tuesday.

“Prime Minister Modi strongly emphasized the need for Pakistan to take firm and immediate action against the organizations and individuals responsible for and linked to the Pathankot terrorist attack,” the statement said. “Specific and actionable information in this regard has been provided to Pakistan.”

Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said his nation would investigate the leads and information provided by India.

A statement from Sharif’s office pointed out to the Indian PM “that whenever a serious effort to bring peace between two countries was underway terrorists try to derail the process.”

An umbrella group of Kashmiri militants, the United Jihad Council, had claimed responsibility for the Saturday attack. Seven security personnel, one civilian and six militants were killed, authorities said.

The two prime ministers talked on the phone Tuesday. Sharif’s office said he “conveyed his sadness and grief.” Modi’s office said Sharif promised “prompt and decisive action.”

Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar said Tuesday at a news conference held on the base that the battle with militants had ended.

When asked about possible Pakistani connections, Parrikar said, “There are some indications that some of the material seized was made in Pakistan. Investigations are under way.”

An earlier report by CNN affiliate CNN-IBN cited government sources that denied the group’s involvement.

Security forces combed the property looking for explosives, Parrikar said, and it didn’t appear any militants are left on the base.

The Home Ministry initially said the attack was contained on Sunday, but it later emerged that militants were still at the site. Security forces worked Monday to “eliminate” two remaining militants.

Security forces seized AK-47s, grenades, commando knives and mortars, Parrikar said.

When asked if the attack occurred because of security failures, Parrikar said, “I do see some gaps but I don’t think we compromised security.”

Officials said they had received intelligence about a possible attack and had beefed up security at the airfield and repulsed the attackers before they reached any sensitive areas.

As the attack was under way, authorities in New Delhi also ramped up security.

“We are taking all precautionary measures. Security has been tightened,” Rajan Bhagat, the city’s police spokesman, said Monday.

In a Twitter post, Delhi police Commissioner B.S. Bassi advised residents to immediately report suspicious activity, people and objects to authorities.

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