Ibrahim al-Jaafari Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the life of Ibrahim al-Jaafari, current foreign minister and former prime minister of Iraq.

Birth date: 1947

Birth place: Karbala, Iraq

Education: Mosul University

Religion: Shiite Muslim

Other Facts:
Is a trained physician.

Has five children.

1968 – Joins the Islamic Dawa Party.

1980 – Flees to Iran in order to escape Saddam Hussein’s crack-down on members of the Dawa Party.

1990-2003 – Leader of the London branch of the Dawa Party.

2003 – Returns to Iraq.

August 2003 – Becomes a member of the Iraqi Governing Council and serves as the Council’s first rotating chairman.

2004-2005 – One of two vice presidents in Iraq’s interim government.

April 7, 2005 – Iraq’s new president, Jalal Talabani, nominates al-Jaafari as prime minister.

May 3, 2005 – Sworn in as Iraq’s interim prime minister.

May 2006 – Is replaced as prime minister by Nuri al-Maliki.

2008 – Is expelled from the Dawa Party after forming a new political movement, the National Reform Movement.

August 2009 – Shiite political leaders announce the formation of the Iraqi National Alliance. Al-Jaafari is a member of the coalition.

September 2014 – Becomes foreign minister.

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