DuBois Men Sentenced in Robbery Case

CLEARFIELD – Three DuBois men accused of robbing a man in his home were sentenced recently in Clearfield County Court.

The trio was charged with entering a trailer in Sandy Township on Aug. 27 and holding a man at knifepoint before forcing him to open a safe. They escaped with money, knives and prescription drugs.

Jeanmal McPhee, 19, Wilson Ave., DuBois, Mackenzie A. Carlson, 19, 602 Locust St., DuBois, and Roderick Joe Gregory Jr., 23, 254 N. Wood Ave., DuBois, pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy/robbery, theft by unlawful taking, and simple assault before Judge Paul E. Cherry.

McPhee, who also pleaded guilty to an additional charge of prohibited offensive weapon, was sentenced Friday to 12 months to three years in state prison.

Gregory was sentenced Thursday to 18 months to four years in state prison.

Carlson was sentenced Thursday to six months to two years less one day in the county jail and five years consecutive probation. Before he was sentenced, Cherry told him it was his lucky day and warned him if he came back into court for a probation violation, he would go to state prison.

When asked if he wanted to say anything, Carlson said “I am very truly sorry for the things I’ve done.”

All three men must attend anger management counseling, submit to DNA testing at a cost of $250 and pay $100 in restitution to the victim.

According to the affidavits of probable cause, police responded to a robbery report and spoke with the victim. He said he thought he was going to be seriously or fatally injured during the altercation.

He explained he was at his trailer when two black males and one white male entered his home. All three had knives and were wearing masks to hide their identities.

One of the actors held a knife to his throat while the other two rummaged through his possessions. They used physical force and threatened to kill him if he didn’t open his safe. After he opened it, they took $400 in cash, six knives, prescription drugs and two packs of cigarettes. They then fled on foot.

The victim said he thought he was set up because about half an hour prior to the men entering his property, he received a phone call from a female acquaintance. The female juvenile asked him if he would pick her and her friend up at Snappy’s.

He then traveled to Snappy’s, picked them up and returned to his trailer. He thought it was suspicious that the girl was texting someone while the other female stood outside the trailer. Both girls fled the scene with the three men.

While police canvassed the area, they saw two individuals who matched the descriptions given by the victim. When the officers approached this man and juvenile girl, they dropped several items and tried to hide behind a tree.

One of the officers found three knives lying on the ground. Both individuals were detained and searched. The man, later identified as McPhee had three additional knives. Five of these six knives were later identified by the victim as the ones taken from his trailer. The sixth knife was the one they used to threaten him.

A witness told police that he and his girlfriend went with Carlson to visit with Gregory. McPhee and two juvenile girls were also at the house. McPhee and one of the juvenile girls told everyone they had a plan to set up a guy and take his drugs and money.

The plan was for the girl to make a sexual offering to the victim so he would take her to his trailer. While there she would locate the drugs and money and then text message Gregory, Carlson and McPhee when they could enter. The witness said arrangements were made between the girl and the victim to meet at Snappy’s.

The mother of the second juvenile female provided police with text messages between the first girl and McPhee in which they communicated and arranged for McPhee, Gregory and Carlson to enter the trailer and commit the crimes. This girl confirmed it was McPhee, Gregory and Carlson who entered the trailer.




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