LTE: Clearly Ahead Funding

Dear Editor:

This is in response to the article of Dec. 2 about Clearfield County funding of Clearly Ahead Development.

Economic development should not be a part of the county commissioners’ job description for several reasons:

  1. They don’t have the time required. If they do, they aren’t paying attention to much of what they were elected to do.
  2. They usually are not qualified to do economic development, although most are infinitely more qualified than the complainers listed in news article.
  3. Economic development requires long-term consistency. We neither have that in the commissioners’ office, nor any other elected position.
  4. Economic development should never be directly influenced by politics. Most projects are highly confidential, and most site selectors will not work through government entities, at public meetings, minimizing growth opportunities for Clearfield County.
  5. Eliminating the county’s contribution would eliminate the commissioners’ input by making Clearly Ahead a totally private enterprise.It would also open up the borders to contract services outside the county, increasing competition for the county.
  6. The members of the board of directors of Clearly Ahead are responsible for the actions of its employees and prioritization of development and redevelopment projects.

The folks who want to spout off at public meetings should leave their personal vendettas and agendas at home.

Gerald Hatcher

Former Clearfield County Commissioner and proud present member of Clearly Ahead Development

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