Donald Trump, Ted Cruz share top spot in Iowa poll

Donald Trump is running neck-and-neck with Sen. Ted Cruz in Iowa, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll of Iowa Republicans released Monday.

Trump won 28% of the support and Cruz won 27% from likely Republican caucusgoers, according to the poll. No other candidate came close to the two front-runners — Sen. Marco Rubio came in third with 14%, followed by Ben Carson with 10%, Jeb Bush at 5% and Sen. Rand Paul at 4%.

The latest Iowa survey shows a closer race than a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll released over the weekend which showed Cruz overtaking Trump with a 10-percentage point lead. But the Quinnipiac poll also picked up on a trend identified by the Register poll — Cruz is beating Trump among evangelical voters, 34%-24%.

A Fox News poll released Sunday was closer to Quinnipiac’s findings, with Cruz leading Trump 28%-26%.

Quinnipiac pollsters surveyed 874 likely Republican caucus attendees from Dec. 4-13 and carries a margin of error of +/- 3.3%.

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